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Discussion 4_History of the United States

Discussion 4_History of the United States

Q What challenges faced the New England colonies by the end of the seventeenth century? How were these challenges specific to New England (and different than other British colonies in the Americas)? How did the colonists respond to these challenges?

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One major challenge that was faced by the New England colonies was religion. There were so many religions to choose from that they got confused. However, they have to put their faith in one religion. But this was not the case with the colony of Pennsylvania that provided complete religious freedom. Any person living in that colony could choose the religion they want to put their faith on it. But the New England colonies followed a specific religion that caused trouble. For example, the Puritans believed in which trials which as important if one want to get rid of bad forces and therefore, women trying to do witchcraft were hanged and killed. Thus, religion was a huge challenge.